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Tom Harle, BSc, DDS, D(Pros), MSc, FICD(C) - Prosthodontic Dental CareTom Harle, BSc, DDS, D(Pros), MSc, FICD(C) - Prosthodontic Dental Care

Health Teams International (Canada)

Health Teams Internationalmission-trips

Healing, Helping, and Bringing Hope

Health Teams International (HTI) is a group of nondenominational Christian healthcare professionals who volunteer their services in the form of free clinics to the poor in Third World countries. Healthcare services are provided by professionals in the fields of medical, dental, vision, and hearing.

Our Background

Health Teams International (US version) began in the mid-80s in Tulsa, Oklahoma through the efforts of Dr. Robert Miller who took senior dental students from Oral Roberts University to the mission field to practice their skills and to help with evangelistic outreaches.

In 2001, HTI was incorporated in Canada as a registered charitable organization and is led by Dr. Tom Harle, President.

Health Team Canada IndiaWhat is our Mission?

Although our work includes the provision of free medical care, our prime focus is on evangelism. Our mission statement reads:

Our purpose is to share the love, hope, and salvation of Jesus Christ with unreached people groups through short-term healthcare teams.

To accomplish our mission, we travel around the world to support career missionaries in their evangelistic endeavours, providing opportunities for nationals to receive physical healing through our work and spiritual healing through the missionary’s guidance.

About HTI

Our mandate is to serve unreached people groups throughout the world, concentrating on (but not limited to) those living in the geographic region known as the “10/40 Window” as shown below.


So far, we have reached such place as:

  • – Myanmar (Burma)
  • – China
  • – India
  • – Cameroon
  • – Benin
  • – Equitorial Guinea
  • – North Korea
  • – Peru
  • – Cambodia

With many more on the horizon!

How to Get Involved

There are many ways you can contribute to our efforts, whether or not you are in a healthcare profession.

health-teams-international-peruSign Up!

We’re always looking for new recruits to travel with us to these amazing places and share in our giving of hope and health. The staffing needs of our health missions vary by location and are in response to a particular request from a missionary pastor or local medical worker.

In recruiting our team members, we take into account the type of work that needs to be done, the medical expertise needed to complete the task, and the number of patients we will meet while in the field. Typically in the past, our teams have included dentists, dental assistants and hygienists, physicians, and optical workers.  At varying times, we require nurses, pharmacists, audiologists, health educators, and other workers. Even non-medical workers are required to assist with crowd control, sterilization of instruments, registering patients, and assisting the audiologist or optometrist.

Please contact Dr. Harle at to commence the application process. 

Please note that although Health Teams International provides most equipment and supplies, you are expected to cover your own travel costs (generally $500 to $3000).


Health Care Team EquipmentEven if you’re not ready for a trip across the world, you can still lend your support by donating to our initiative. With no employees, limited operational expenses, and with volunteers paying all their own expenses, we feel we are good stewards of your donations of cash, medical supplies, sponsorships, and equipment.  We are registered with Canada Revenue Agency as a registered charitable organization (No. 878119519 RR0001) and are authorized to issue a receipt to be used for tax reduction purposes.

If you wish, you can donate specifically to any of the following funds:

  • Medication Fund (Malaria, worms, antibiotics, ointments, etc.)
  • Equipment and Supplies (Dental, medical, optical instruments
  • Reading magnification glasses, sunglasses, eye drops
  • Travel Fund to assist pastors, nurses, students, hygienists
  • Activity Fund (T-shirts, soccer balls, dolls, toys, etc.)
  • General Fund to be applied to area of greatest need

Please send your donation in the form of a cheque address to Dr. Tom Harle, President, Health Teams International at our dental office location.

Send Your Prayers!

HTIWe ask you to pray that Christian love and service will be evident in our work and that we will be effective as we bring both physical and spiritual healing to those we meet.

"The Lord raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap."

"Those who are kind to the poor lend to the Lord and He will reward them for what they have done."

"We do not have to be saviors of the world! We are simply human beings, enfolded in weakness and in hope, called together to change our world one heart at a time."

"All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence."

"I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."

"People who are homeless are not social inadequates. They are people without homes."

"This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another."