Are you a dentist? Submit a Referral
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Tom Harle, BSc, DDS, D(Pros), MSc, FICD(C) - Prosthodontic Dental CareTom Harle, BSc, DDS, D(Pros), MSc, FICD(C) - Prosthodontic Dental Care

Referring Dentists

Dr Harle Referring DentistsWelcome and thank you for being a colleague of ours.  Our relationship with you is very important and we appreciate the confidence and trust you place in us when caring for your patients. You can rest assured we will always deliver your patients our highest standard in prosthodontic dental care and always maintain clear transparency between you, ourselves and the patient.

For your convenience and to assist in the referral process, you can now submit a referral form to us directly online. If you prefer, you can also download our referral template and mail or fax a copy to us along with other patient information, files or images.

Dr. Tom J. Harle

Prosthetic Dental Care
414-1335 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K1Z 8N8
Phone: (613) 722-8191
Fax: (613) 728-4926

Our Commitment to Your Patients

We will always provide your patients with all the necessary information they need to make informed decisions regarding their oral health, including:

  • A diagnosis, recommended treatment (and alternative options) and prognosis. We will always review the advantages and disadvantages of care, including costs and the risks of delayed or no treatment.
  • The need for future treatment, follow-up and maintenance care.
  • The expectation that they will return to your office for on-going recall dental treatment.

Our Commitment To You

Dr. HarleAs a referring dentist, you can count on us to:

  1. Provide you with a timely report of the diagnosis and proposed treatment.
  2. Review any anticipated general dental care, prior, during or after treatment
  3. In those situations where our office determines the need for dental care outside our specialty, we will confer with you to determine whether the patient’s needs will be met by you or by another specialist and, if the latter, which specialist.
  4. Provide progress reports when treatment has been delayed or interrupted or significantly modified, or in the event that the patient fails to keep the initial consultation appointment.
  5. Forward a final report to you at the end of active treatment with suggestions for maintenance, follow-up or review, and recommendation for further treatment. In addition any records supplied by you will be returned at this time.
  6. If continued follow-up care is anticipated it will be coordinated with your office to avoid duplication of effort.


To find out more about the specialty of Prosthodontics visit the following web sites:

Association of Prosthodontists of Ontario:
The Association of Prosthodontists of Canada:

"Appreciated your kindness for letting me observe at your office."

"I can’t thank you enough for your generosity concerning my patient. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! God bless you for your devotion."

"You’re a blessing in my life."

"Thank you so much for taking the time and resources to look at my teeth after my unfortunate run-in with the softball. It was great to have a true expert close-by!"

"We all appreciate your generosity of the heart, donating your services. It is a difficult time for the family being transplanted from their country of origin in such horrific circumstances. They will remember your kindness for the rest of their lives. Caring people such as yourself is what has made Canada a caring nation to the world. I am honored that you are my family dentist and very grateful for your help. May God bless you and your family and wonderful staff."

"As a new dentist in this country, we’ve faced a lot of difficulties. Luckily, we always meet with some warm-hearted people like you who offer us various kind helps. I am deeply impressed by this friendly country, and I am more confident not to start my new career here. I hope that one day I can enter the profession I love and be able to give my helping hands to other people in need. It’s so nice to get to know you!"

"I am so grateful for the 'no-cost' examination. I walked away shaking my head at the goodness of God and how He moves servants like you to bless guys like me. Your vibrance and kindness have already touched me."