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Tom Harle, BSc, DDS, D(Pros), MSc, FICD(C) - Prosthodontic Dental CareTom Harle, BSc, DDS, D(Pros), MSc, FICD(C) - Prosthodontic Dental Care

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    "I’ve known all along that you were special. Now I know a little bit more as to how special! Thank you very much for acting as many of us would like to act. And on top of all your 'giving' you’ve made me a partial plate that fits exactly and feels so natural. Thank you Dr. Harle."

    "Thanks for helping me with the consultation with my patient. She is very content now. I really appreciate your time and expertise."

    "Thank you for being who you are. I am thankful that you have been on our road."

    "I can’t thank you enough for your generosity concerning my patient. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! God bless you for your devotion."

    "I never thought that I would say that I looked forward to going to the dentist and to feel sorry when the treatment was finished, but here it is – I do! This was of course due to you and your very nice assistants."

    "As the days grow shorter and seem a little darker for some, please know that you have given such a warm glow to our family and brightened the life of someone very dear to us. You may take what you did for our loved one as part of 'the job', but we see it as a caring, sensitive professional and humanitarian (so rare these days) act of kindness – certainly above and beyond 'the call of duty'. Our friends are astonished and family members from Winnipeg to Toronto actually gasped when told of your dedication. You will go far. Thank you and God Bless."

    "I have always had full confidence in you as a person, professional and friend and time has proven me right."