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Tom Harle, BSc, DDS, D(Pros), MSc, FICD(C) - Prosthodontic Dental CareTom Harle, BSc, DDS, D(Pros), MSc, FICD(C) - Prosthodontic Dental Care

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    "Heartfelt thanks for restoring our son’s smile."

    "Thank you so much for the generosity have shown me, it has truly touched my heart."

    "Just a little note to say how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity and constant expressions of love and support. My teeth and those of my family have never looked and been better."

    "I was feeling a little 'blue' when I came into your office and you really cared! You picked me up! Thank you."

    “Just a note to let you know that the adjustment you made to my teeth a few months ago is still A-One. The thought of losing that tooth was devastating. Appreciate your kindness and expertise. Thank you!”

    "Just a note of appreciation to you for your perseverance, patience and dedication, these last few months. I’m pleased and content that I’ve had no problems."

    "As the days grow shorter and seem a little darker for some, please know that you have given such a warm glow to our family and brightened the life of someone very dear to us. You may take what you did for our loved one as part of 'the job', but we see it as a caring, sensitive professional and humanitarian (so rare these days) act of kindness – certainly above and beyond 'the call of duty'. Our friends are astonished and family members from Winnipeg to Toronto actually gasped when told of your dedication. You will go far. Thank you and God Bless."